Generation and Renewables

Revolutionizing the power grid with the incorporation of distributed energy resources, including solar, wind and other renewables.


Photo 70798159 © Elian Kars |
Dreamstime M 70798159
Utility Business

PJM Files Changes to Capacity Market To Promote Reliability

Oct. 18, 2023
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission proposal responds to resource adequacy needs of evolving grid.
Photo by Matatu, Dreamstime.
Matatu Dreamstime

Biden-Harris Administration Announces US$28 Mn to Advance and Deploy Hydropower Technology

Oct. 28, 2022
Bipartisan infrastructure law funding will grow the hydropower industry, create jobs, and engage key stakeholder voices.
JennaWagner/Getty Images
Arizona E Lectric

Arizona Electric Utilities Voluntarily Commit to 100% Clean Energy

Feb. 2, 2022
The announcements from Arizona’s electric utilities reflect a dramatic change in the philosophical and economic views toward the adoption of clean energy technologies and the ...
Scharfsinn86/Getty Images
Generation and Renewables

Southern Company Joins Hydrogen Council

Jan. 27, 2022
The Council believes hydrogen will play a key role in reaching global decarbonization goals by helping to diversify energy sources, foster business and technological innovation...
Tracey Le Beau Headshot Hi Res
Overhead Transmission

The Future of Grid Infrastructure Development, Drought and Other Energy Currents

Jan. 21, 2022
As we stand at the precipice of a new year, there are a troika of challenging issues facing WAPA and the West: weather, markets, and infrastructure investments.
Photo 6418789 © Michael Blackstock |
Smart Utility

Industry Stakeholders Challenge EPA's Power Plant Rule

May 21, 2024
The recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) power plant rule has sparked intense debate and concern among industry stakeholders, leading to a lawsuit filed by the National...
Photo courtesy of Megger.

Protect Wind Turbines from Lightning Strikes

May 16, 2024
Wind turbine owners and operators should ensure their lightning protection system has been installed correctly and regularly check it is working properly.
Florida Power & Light Co.
Utility Business

FPL Doubles Down on Battery Storage Plans

April 25, 2024
If completed by 2033 as envisioned, the utility’s battery capacity will have grown more than ninefold.
Electric Utility Operations

Battery Storage and Solar Project Planned for Puerto Rico

April 17, 2024
FlexGen is partnering with Infinigen on the project, which will provide critical power, grid reliability and flexibility.