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Defend and Protect: Hendrix Aerial Covered Spacer Cable Systems

May 16, 2023
Read this eBook to learn more about how covered conductor systems can help utilities increase reliability, resiliency, and lower costs.

Electric utilities must find ways to harden the grid to ensure that lights stay on and critical infrastructure remains operational during times of crisis. One such way to do that is with covered conductor, which is particularly useful in areas prone to hurricanes and tornadoes, where high winds can knock down power lines and cause widespread outages. By using covered conductor, utilities can reduce the frequency and duration of power outage, making the grid more resilient.

In this eBook you will learn:

  • Learn more about how covered conductor systems can help utilities increase reliability, resiliency, and lower costs.
  • What covered conductor consists of and how these systems can be used at distribution and transmission levels.
  • How the migration to covered conductor for transmission voltages will only continue as reliable power becomes ever more crucial and new transmission construction increases to move renewable power.

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