
Broad coverage of transmission system technology and trends including high voltage, extra high voltage ac and dc lines, switches, breakers and transformers.


Hitachi Energy
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Overhead Transmission

Hitachi Energy and TenneT Sign Supplier Agreement For Transmission Grid Development Program In Germany

Sept. 27, 2023
TenneT is now modernizing its infrastructure to meet the growing electricity demand associated with the energy transition.
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Swissgrid Invests $142.6 Million For Grid-Related Security Of Supply In Switzerland In First Half Of 2023

Oct. 12, 2023
Work is under process to increase voltage to 380 kV from 220 kV on an existing line between Bassecourt and Muhleberg.
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Transmission Reliability

Minnesota Electric Utilities Ensure Reliability With 345 kV Transmission Project

Oct. 6, 2023
The project comprising two segments will help reduce congestion, improve system reliability and add lower-cost renewable energy.
Consolidated Edison Inc.
Plans call for the transmission (green) and distribution (blue) substations to be built by 2028.
Utility Business

Con Edison Execs Outline Substation Build Plans

Oct. 4, 2023
A JFK-area upgrade is part of work proposed as part of the company’s $14.6B, three-year spending outlook.
Randy Promo

T&D Talk, Episode 5: Undergrounding High-Voltage Transmission Lines

Oct. 4, 2023
Randy Denmon of Southwire explains best practices for undergrounding transmission lines for the third part of Southwire's podcast series.
Substation Cloud Med

Fears of the Cloud Have Been Greatly Exaggerated – The Advantages of Cloud Computing for Remote Substation Monitoring

Oct. 7, 2022
Read this article to learn more about the advantages of cloud computing for remote substation monitoring.
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Overhead Transmission

Hughes Brothers - Employee Pride

May 4, 2022
At Hughes Brothers, each employee takes pride in the fact that the work they do contributes directly to American society.
2817 Dead End Tee Thumbnail
Overhead Transmission

Hughes Brothers' Product Spotlight - 2817 Dead End Tees

May 2, 2022
Crafted and forged daily in the USA, the Hughes Brothers 2817 dead end tees feature hundreds of variations to overcome any challenge imaginable.
American Electric Power
Aep Solar
Utility Business

AEP Shifting $1.5B in Capital to Transmission, Will Look to Sell Unregulated Renewables

Feb. 25, 2022
The company’s leaders have raised their long-term profit growth target to between 6% and 7%.