This webinar looks at the tools developed to better understand fire risk across southern California and the steps that have been taken to mitigate the risk, specifically focusing on hardening the transmission and distribution system to manage operations through extreme weather.
Brian D’Agostino is the Director of Fire Science & Climate Adaptation for SDG&E. As director, D’Agostino is responsible for meteorology, fire science, and climate adaptation initiatives. D’Agostino joined SDG&E in 2009 and oversaw the development of SDG&E’s weather network, one of the nation’s largest and most sophisticated privately-owned weather networks. D’Agostino is the former chair of the American Meteorological Society’s Energy Committee and is a founding member of the AMS Committee on Wildfire Weather, Technology and Risk. D’Agostino also sits on several advisory committees specializing in climate adaptation and fire science. D’Agostino is a graduate of Plymouth State University with a bachelor of science in meteorology.
Holger Peller has served as Executive Vice President of the Power Delivery Division of POWER Engineers since 2018. He is responsible for ensuring that POWER’s 1,700-person nationwide power delivery service group meets the challenges posed by the changing business environment of electric utility owner-operators. He joined POWER as a substation engineer after graduating from Gonzaga University in 1992. Over the years at POWER, he has held the position of Project Engineer, Substation Regional Manager, Substations Business Unit Director, Corporate Operations Manager and Power Delivery Senior Project Manager. Holger earned an MBA from Boise State University in 2016.
This webinar was sponsored by POWER Engineers as part of the T&D World Wildfire & Risk Mitigation Conference in December 2020.