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Force 5 Launches Watchlist Enforcer Feature for Power Utilities

May 23, 2022
Force 5, Inc. launched a new feature in its Gatekeeper Platform, the Advanced Watchlist Enforcer.

Force 5, Inc., an automated security, and compliance company, launched a new feature in its Gatekeeper Platform, the Advanced Watchlist Enforcer.

This feature will provide power utilities an accurate method to validate contractors, employees and visitors against their watchlists and to stop or clear physical entry at any door or gate, staffed or unstaffed, accordingly.

Force 5’s Advanced Watchlist Enforcer can validate and enforce security technologies because of its extensive matching methods in name, text-field identifiers, fuzzy-matching algorithms, and facial recognition. Its open architecture allows BES facilities to integrate with third-party watchlist datasets, like sex offender registries or criminal-records databases, for an added layer of physical security.

Watchlist Enforcer increases security and safety at power utilities while reducing watchlist risks. Its dedicated interface within Force 5’s Gatekeeper Platform allows utilities to activate auto-enforcement of their watchlists at any location where Gatekeeper is used, including mobile kiosks. For security oversight, it offers granular reports for administrators and auditors, including history logs of every action taken by security officers. 

Gatekeeper’s watchlist technology will work at remote, unstaffed, or self-service locations, which often comprise 70-90% of a large BES company’s fleet.

This Advanced Watchlist release comes on the heels of Force 5, Inc.’s facial recognition feature launch that was recently added to the Gatekeeper Platform.  

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