Noja controller

NOJA's Recloser Controllers Have New Functionality

Sept. 5, 2017
This functionality is available as a complementary firmware upgrade for users of the NOJA Power equipment

NOJA Power has released its latest Relay firmware This firmware version is focused on rapid delivery of post fault information to operators, saving utilities significant time in power restoration after an interruption. By upgrading the NOJA Power RC10 and RC15 controllers to Relay firmware, utilities gain access to new functionality such as configurable alerts and the ANSI 21FL distance to fault estimation. This functionality is available as a complementary firmware upgrade for users of the NOJA Power equipment.

The theme of providing valuable information to operators is constant throughout the relay release, as the implementation of configurable alerts has been included in this development. The NOJA Power RC10 and RC15 controllers sport one of the largest HMI interface screens available in this class of product, and the configurable alerts page is a natural augmentation to this capability. Configurable alerts allow utility engineers to customize the first page visible to utility operators when they interrogate the controller in the field. By providing concise, utility-specific information immediately to operators, utility engineers can reduce the complexity of operation and improve the speed of restoration and reliability of their network.

Driven by utility demand, the distance-to-fault estimation algorithms implemented in Relay firmware provides users with the indication of fault location in distance away from the recloser installation. The functionality utilitizes the standard on-board measurement instruments in the OSM recloser to calculate the fault location distance, providing both a location estimate and a diagnosis of the type of fault. In the event of a fault or outage, utilities lose the source of revenue on the feeder, and prudent economic management of the network would be to restore supply in the fastest possible manner. Reclosers are often responsible for protecting large swathes of overhead conductors, and locating permanent downstream faults is a time-consuming process for traditional methods. Fault location information assists utilities in power restoration, minimizing outage time, saving utilities money as well as improving total power reliability.

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