NOJA Power has recently invested $10 million into its new building, which doubled the size of the company campus and enhanced the R&D, assembly and test facilities. One of the key additions has been the new in-house Impulse and Power Frequency (PF) Laboratory. The laboratory has been commissioned and calibrated by international High Voltage (HV) equipment experts and consultants.
Impulse tests (also known as BIL tests) and PF tests are generally used to assess the dielectric (electrical insulating strength) properties of an insulating medium. It is a key part of switchgear testing. These HV tests can also be used to ensure the necessary electrical clearances are met for the switchgear.
NOJA Power’s test laboratory is capable of simulating lightning strikes and switching surges in accordance with IEC/ANSI/IEEE international standards. The test equipment is rated to provide 600kV impulse and 200kV PF test voltages. The impulse voltage generator is able to simulate a lightning impulse waveform of 1.2/50 µs in accordance with the testing standards.
A 600kV Impulse and 200kV PF tests will allow in house dielectric testing of switchgear with rated voltage up to 123kV (IEC62271-1, 2011). The testing facility is automated, computer controlled and can produce test reports. The testing facility is maintained by a full time testing officer.
These in-house facilities provide flexibility to examine and improve existing product design and prove new prototype design concepts which greatly reduces the time and cost of development. These facilities have significantly improved the type testing procedures of NOJA Power which has ultimately increased the overall reliability and quality of NOJA Power’s product range.