
Smart Grid Line Sensors Help DTE Restore Power

Sept. 15, 2015
Tollgrade and DTE Energy Release their findings in Third Volume of the Predictive Grid Quarterly Report

Tollgrade Communications, Inc. has released its third Predictive Grid Quarterly Report on its grid modernization project with DTE Energy. The project aims to predict power outages on the local electricity distribution network before they occur. 

To modernize its electric grid, DTE Energy is deploying Tollgrade LightHouse Smart Grid Sensors with the goal of reducing and preventing power outages throughout the Detroit metropolitan area over the next two years.  This is the third of eight reports to be released under Tollgrade’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) comprehensive grid modernization project with DTE Energy entitled, “Building a Predictive Grid for the Motor City.”

The report provides yet another compelling, real life example of how Tollgrade’s LightHouse Smart Grid Sensors acted as a critical tool in managing the restoration of the electricity supply for 10,000 customers during a significant heat wave after a distribution substation broke down. 

“Information and data are everything these days. But having the right data, in real-time, to take the actions required in an emergency situation like we recently experienced is the true value behind these smart grid sensors,” said Russel Pogats, Director Electrical Engineering. “Without Tollgrade’s Sensors sending us the data we needed to monitor the condition of our assets in real-time, this outage could have been much more significant, costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars and leaving our customers in the dark during a heat storm for many days.”

The report includes:

  • Twelve months of sensor data gathered from multiple utilities (including DTE Energy) that can help utilities take a more proactive stance toward preventing outages.
  • Specific examples from the ongoing project at DTE Energy where the team has been able to classify events to help other utilities prevent future outages.
  • Valuable lessons learned at DTE Energy that will help other utilities plan their Predictive Grid projects.

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