Doble can now offer testing on bushings, high voltage power cables and other transmission system equipment up to 640kV levels. The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult’s HV Electrical Laboratory has set up a 640kV resonant transformer from Doble Engineering. The partnership with the HV laboratory testing and Doble’s field testing experience provides a unique and independently accredited testing and problem solving service.
The 640kV transformer allows also power frequency (50Hz) AC withstand testing as part of the type test requirement on equipment for use on systems with operational voltage levels up to 400kV. The transformer will also be used to carry out insulation breakdown testing on HV power cables, such as partial discharge (PD), radio interference voltage (RIV) and tan delta tests.
With the industry facing increasing cost challenges, it is of huge importance to make the most of existing assets, and to have the confidence in taking decisions based on engineering expertise and knowledge to allow them into service and beyond.