Beckwith Electric Co., Inc. has announced its plans for this year's IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Expo, being held in Dallas, Texas, May 21-26. Beckwith Electric will be exhibiting at Booth #2022.
At this year's PES T&D Expo, Beckwith Electric will unveil its new PosiTap M-2948/M-2949 Tap Position Sensor. The PosiTap eliminates the need for the Incon (Selsyn) Series Programmable Position Monitor. It directly interfaces with the Beckwith Electric M-2025C Current Loop Interface, which provides the tap position to the M-2001C Tapchanger Control.
The PosiTap M-2948 measures a 0° to 288° rotation, for use with a Qualitrol Position Indicator, Model 081-002-01 or equivalent. The PosiTap M-2949 measures a 0° to 320° rotation, for use with a Qualitrol Position Indicator, Model 082-020-01, 082-001-01, or equivalent.
Beckwith Electric now offers 4 models to better match user applications while offering price concessions including the M-2001C Comprehensive, Base-T, Base-RS, and Base-R. The M-2001C Comprehensive can be applied to any LTC transformer, substation regulator, or line regulator providing every feature, function and option available for a SCADA communicating device. The M-2001C Base-T is intended primarily for those LTC transformer applications not requiring SCADA communications. The Base-T includes all necessary communication and inputs for transformer paralleling. The M-2001C Base-RS is the latest model and targets regulator applications requiring SCADA communications through RS485 but comes with a new lower price. The M-2001C Base-R is the most cost-reduced model targeting line regulator applications that do not require SCADA communications.