Connected Energy Corp. has announced a new line of sophisticated power meters that integrate seamlessly into its Comsys remote management platform, providing immediate and accurate information to support enterprise-wide energy management systems.
In conjunction with Comsys, the CENTRYAMI advanced metering instruments are used to aggregate power information from multiple remote facilities concurrently, providing two-way communication in real time. The resulting information provides immediate, critical input and feedback that enables companies to improve efficiency and reduce energy costs, reduce demand charges, aggregate demand and load shed potential, and monitor incoming power quality.
“In the area of demand-response technology, we believe that the advanced metering infrastructure is going to play a major role in the future,” said Chris Campbell, president and CEO of Connected Energy. “The CentryAMI meters are accurate enough to be certified as revenue grade, but more importantly, when they are integrated with the Comsys platform, they are a very high bandwidth gateway to the facility being monitored and controlled.”
Connected Energy has developed its suite of Centry brand hardware solutions to handle the so-called "last mile" connections to remote facilities and systems—typically the most challenging part of building a remote management or advanced metering system. Centry hardware solutions simplify these field connections. They include CentryWCC (Web Communication Controller), CentryECM (Electric Circuit Monitor), and CentryPIA (Plant Instrumentation Aggregator), and now the CentryAMI.