Photo by Nylakatara2013, Dreamstime
Wind turbine in Franklin County, New York

New York Sets New Records for Wind Power

Dec. 9, 2021
Strong winds across New York State the past several days pushed electricity generated by wind power to multiple new records, according to the NYISO

Strong winds across New York State the past several days pushed electricity generated by wind power to multiple new records, according to the New York Independent System Operator.

The first new record output of 1,803 MW was set during the 10:00 p.m. hour on Thursday, December 2. That total was later surpassed by an 1,808 MW output during the 10:00 p.m. hour on Monday, December 6. Prior to this month, the previous record of 1,748 MW was set during the 9:00 a.m. hour on January 11, 2020.

The new records were aided by the addition of two new utility-scale wind projects that recently connected to the bulk electric system; Cassadaga Wind, a 126.5 MW facility in Chautauqua County, and Roaring Brook, a 79.7 MW facility in Lewis County.

“This is a significant milestone and represents hard work and planning by stakeholders across government and the energy industry,” said Rich Dewey, President and CEO of the New York ISO. “It is also a reminder of the rapid change impacting the bulk electric system and the need to carefully manage this transition. Timely development of new energy resources is critical to meeting the state’s renewable investment and decarbonization mandates while maintaining reliability.”

Doreen M. Harris, President and CEO, NYSERDA said, “Renewable energy has a critical role to play in both growing our green economy and combatting the very real threat of climate change. New York’s success in advancing wind energy development is helping to accelerate the state’s transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy resources and continues to bring vital investments, family-sustaining jobs and community and public health benefits to local communities at a time when New Yorkers need it most.”

When overall wind production peaked at 1,808 MW on Monday night, it provided 11% of all energy being consumed in New York. The record output represents 82.5% of the 2,191 MW of installed wind capacity in New York State.

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