Transmission Reforms Needed to Support Offshore Wind, State Clean Energy Goals
Oct. 29, 2020
Transmission reforms to help accommodate the expected boom in offshore wind, meet increasing state clean energy goals.
A consensus is building at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) technical conference on integrating offshore wind into regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs) that the FERC and the organized markets need to look into transmission reforms that would help accommodate the expected boom in offshore wind and help meet increasing state clean energy goals.
The FERC's commissioners and staff will hear detailed testimony regarding the need for forward-looking transmission planning and interconnection reforms that account for state policies, allow for a range of transmission options, and encourage regional cooperation.
"Offshore wind promises to bring significant rate, reliability, economic development, and environmental benefits to customers. The FERC, the states, and grid operators should assess and improve transmission planning and interconnection frameworks to ensure that the 29 GW of planned offshore wind can move forward and deliver these benefits," said AWEA Counsel Gabe Tabak. "AWEA and the offshore wind industry appreciate the FERC's holistic look at offshore wind integration and will continue to work toward transmission and interconnection reforms that recognize the range of benefits that renewable energy can provide."
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