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PJM Completes Phase I System Impact Studies For 306 Proposed Generation Projects

May 23, 2024
PJM expects to process about 72,000 MW in projects by mid-2025 and 230,000 MW over the next three years, while over 90% of these projects will be renewable or storage.

Project developers will be given 30 days to decide and proceed with their new service requests into the next study phase of Transition Cycle #1 to start on June 20 with an anticipated deadline of December 16. The projects falling under this transition cycle are expected to clear PJM's study process and be available for construction by mid-2025.

Furthermore, another 306 projects have qualified for an expedited process, or fast lane, with final agreements to be issued throughout 2024.

"New service requests for generation resources are moving through our process as designed and promised, with more than 200,000 MW of projects to be studied over the next two years to help states advance their energy policy goals,” said Aftab Khan, Executive Vice President – Operations, Planning and Security at PJM.

The Phase I Study process will help developers evaluate if their projects are economically viable. The Phase I Study results for the Transition Cycle #1 projects are posted to a new webpage, which include an overall report for this cluster of projects, as well as individual studies for each project.

Similar to PJM's legacy Service Request Status page, projects can be filtered by fuel type and location, with additional details about each project expanded into pop-up mini-dashboard windows.

The new page highlighted PJM's exit from a queue-based study process to its current cycle-based process. The legacy serial-study based page will continue to provide information about projects under PJM's legacy interconnection queue.

PJM expects to process about 72,000 MW in projects by mid-2025 and 230,000 MW over the next three years, while over 90% of these projects will be renewable or storage.

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