
Know Your Non-Conventional Instrument Transformers

July 20, 2017
One of the numerous notable attributes of the next-generation digital substations now being deployed is the use of Non-Conventional Instrument Transformers (

One of the numerous notable attributes of the next-generation digital substations now being deployed is the use of Non-Conventional Instrument Transformers (NCITs) as opposed to conventional current transformers (CTs) and voltage transformers (VTs). We also are migrating to combined current and voltage NCITs for metering and protection.   

Ron Pate, product manager, Instrument Transformers and Sensors, with ABB provided an informative presentation at ABB Customer World in Texas this spring regarding the use of traditional instrument transformers (“ITs”) versus sensors or NCITs.  Ron covered the pros and cons of both technology types, how sensors work and how they are evolving, when sensors may be a better choice and considerations for sensor selection. 

There are many reasons to consider sensors over ITs. Most folks are aware of the safety and space advantages of sensors. Other factors include linearity of response; reliability; speed; and, flexibility, which allows not only adaptability to future changes, but also inventory reduction.

Sensors are ideal for that next-generation digital substation, but take a look at Ron’s excellent presentation by downloading it below, and you may find your other IT needs can be better served with sensors as well.  If you have questions or would like additional information regarding ITs and sensors, Ron can be contacted by phone at 1-252-827-3255 or email at [email protected].

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