
Tutorial: Energy Storage - An Intro to Technologies, Applications and Best Practices

April 29, 2016
This tutorial at the 2016 IEEE PES T&D Conference & Expo provides participants a solid understanding on the basics and the state-of-the-art energy storage application.

Energy storage is becoming an attractive solution for today’s smart grid, either being operated independently as asset or interacting with other resources like wind/solar generation or demand response. This tutorial at the 2016 IEEE PES T&D Conference & Expo provides participants a solid understanding on the basics and the state-of-the-art energy storage application, its implications on the grid’s reliability and the system’s economics and how-to on evaluating its performance and cost-benefit.

Instructors with diverse backgrounds on this subject will bring the field deployment experience of energy storage applications and the real-world example to demonstrate the analytic tools in assisting the utility planning and operation decisions. The course is suitable for non-technical, as well as technical audiences, including regulatory, legislative and utility staff members.


  • Hamidreza (Hamid) Zareipour, University of Calgary
  • Michael Kleinberg, Senior Consultant, DNV GL
  • Michael Kintner-Meyer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Sudipta Lahiri, DNV GL

Room: C144-145, Session Number: TUT-02

Monday, May 02, 2016: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Ticket Required: By 4/1 $295 After 4/1 $395 Student by 4/1 $100 Student After 4/1 $150

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