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Multifunction Protection System

March 10, 2014
New features have been added with the latest BE1-11 BESTCOMSPlus release, making the easy-to-use multifunction protection system even easier.

Many new features have been added with the latest BE1-11 BESTCOMSPlus® release, making the easy-to-use multifunction protection system even easier. One of protection and control users’ key needs is minimizing false operations regardless of cause. In today’s fast paced world, users also need to minimize the time required to train and program their protective relays. With those needs in mind, Basler Electric continues to enhance its BESTCOMSPlus software with the goal of zero false operations and minimal training.
Complex logic schemes can now be simulated before implementation in the field using the Offline Simulator in Basler Electric’s BESTlogicPlus. Commissioning surprises related to relay logic schemes can be eliminated. The Offline Simulator helps identify and troubleshoot the logic without the high cost of additional hardware, making it a huge advantage that is included at no charge and only with the Basler’s software package.  

Another unique benefit with the Basler offline simulator is it can be used by any BESTCOMSPlus device, which includes all of the BE1-11 models, DGC-2020 Digital Genset Controllers, DECS-250 Digital Excitation Systems, and more. Only Basler Electric coordinates expertise in protection, control, regulation and excitation with a common software package; reducing training, commissioning time, and expense. 

Along with the Offline Simulator addition to BESTCOMSPlus® and BESTlogic™Plus, users will enjoy many additional software features that make it intuitive to correctly set the protection. Now included are auto-populating zeros on inputs such as block inputs for cleaner and easier logic creation. The zeros will automatically disappear if a wire is connected to input. Additionally the user can choose their preferred logic view - either the existing palette view or the new tree view which increases the graphics viewed on one page. Users will also enjoy a power loss alarm and logic alarms; so that any alarm point can drive logic that additionally can be latched. Fast current detect is now available to be incorporated in logic. 

The BE1-11 is one protection system that can handle multiple applications. This release continues to expand on the capabilities of the BE1-11 Protection System to allow it to handle even more applications. 

New Load Encroachment feature in the BE1-11f  Feeder Protection System makes it easier to provide necessary overcurrent protection while preventing nuisance trips in a system where normal load currents approach fault levels. 
  • New applications are now possible in all BE1-11 models as the 49RTD elements have been increased to 14 and RTD blocks have been increased to 7.  
  • BE1-11t Transformer Protection System users now have more application flexibility with an additional 87N element and increased slope setting. 
  • Features were also added to Modbus, DNP3, IEC 61850, 25A, and 67 functions to enhance the capability of all of the BE1-11 Protection System models. 
  • Basler Electric Co.

    Booth 7538

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