Washington State University will host the North American Power Symposium Sept. 7-9 in the Compton Union Building on the WSU Pullman campus.
The annual symposium provides an international forum on electric power and power grid research for participants from academia and industry. More than 200 students, researchers and industry partners are set to attend.
Session topics will include power system stability, security, reliability and economics; cyber communications on the electric power grid and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Northwest Smart Grid demonstration project. Tours will be offered of WSU research facilities and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories in Pullman.
Pullman a smart grid test site
The smart grid demonstration project, which started in 2009, is testing devices, software and advanced analytical tools to enhance the power grid’s reliability and performance.
As part of the project, WSU researchers have been working with Avista to make Pullman the region’s first smart grid community, expanding on existing electric infrastructure and testing new smart grid technology. The Pullman project involves automation of many parts of the electric distribution system using advanced metering technology, enhanced communication and other elements of the smart grid.
Collaborative research at innovation center
The event is hosted by WSU’s Energy Systems Innovation Center. With a national reputation in power engineering and collaborative, interdisciplinary research, the center, established in 2012, is addressing one of the world’s greatest global technological challenges – demand for clean and reliable energy.
The center consists of 26 WSU faculty members who collaborate with a wide range of government and industry partners. Research focus areas include renewable energy; social and economic incentives; information collection, delivery and analysis; decision support; efficient use of right-of-way and associated economic issues; and cyber security of the smart grid.
Industry supporters of the symposium include Avista, Itron, RTDS Technologies and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, as well as WSU conference management. The IEEE Power and Energy Society is a technical co-sponsor.
Late registration is open until Saturday, Sept. 6. Find more information at http://cm.wsu.edu/ehome/naps/144660/