Technical Session: On-Line Condition Monitoring Value for Present and Future Grids

March 20, 2014
New technologies and devices help to keep our networks in shape to avoid failures and human hazards, and to allow safe operation and optimized maintenance and asset management.

New technologies and devices help to keep our networks in shape to avoid failures and human hazards, and to allow safe operation and optimized maintenance and asset management. On-line condition monitoring (OLCM) devices and systems are among such systems.

The On-line condition monitoring value for present and future grids session will address the value obtained and the lessons learned from OLCM installations in operation. Additional topics will include the role, positioning, and impact of OLCM systems in future grids, and the challenges considering integration in existing systems, data and lifelong integrated operation. Experts from utility, manufacturing, research and academia will present their views, experience and outlook.

What: 2014 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution World Conference

Date: Wednesday, April 16
8:00 am - 10:30 am

Moderator - Nicolaie Fantana
ABB Corporate Research

Presentations and Panelists

NOTE: If you wish to attend a portion of a session with multiple presentations, click the specific presentation and add to your planner from the next screen.

14TD0731 - Substation condition Monitoring for paradigm change.


Nicolaie Fantana
ABB Corporate Research

14TD0732 - On-line Condition Monitoring in the Substation of the Future


Terry Krieg
CIGRE SC Substation Chairman

14TD0728 - IEEE Activities Related to Online Condition Monitoring


Craig Preuss
Black & Veatch Corporation

14TD0727 - Future Grid Enabled Condition Monitoring


Paul Myrda

14TD0730 - Applying and Benefitting from On-Line Monitoring


Anthony McGrail

14TD0726 - Turning Data Collected by Monitoring and Condition Assessment into Transformer Reliability Information


Craig Stiegemeier
ABB Inc.

14TD0729 - Integrated Data, Path to a Smarter Grid


Tao Xia
Dominion Virginia Power

14TD0737 - Discoveries from the Application of On-Line Monitoring to Substation Equipment


Brian Sparling
Dynamic Ratings

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