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ERCOT Sees Limited COVID-19 Impact on Texas Grids

April 7, 2020
At least 136 Texans have died from COVID-19, according to the April 6 Dallas Morning News

COVID-19 is so far having only a limited impact on the power grid in Texas, according to grid operator the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas, which started releasing pandemic updates April 7.

Calvin Opheim, ERCOT’s manager of load forecasting and analysis wrote that the grid operator is using a backcast model, which compares model results using actual weather versus actual hourly load.

“There has been little impact to the daily peaks,” according to the report. “Load remains consistently lower during the early morning hours between 6 and 10 a.m. These loads are currently 6 to 10% lower than what the model would normally predict after accounting for typical model errors.”

Weekly energy use has dropped by about 2% last week, according to the report. This is similar to the week prior, indicating COVID-19 impacts on the grid are not increasing.

At least 136 Texans have died from COVID-19, according to the April 6 Dallas Morning News. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered Texas schools closed on March 16 and all non-essential businesses to temporarily close March 30. Abbott said April 6 that more than 85,357 Texans have been tested for COVID-19, and 7,319 have returned positive.

About the Author

Jeff Postelwait | Senior Editor

Jeff Postelwait is a writer and editor with a background in newspapers and online editing who has been writing about the electric utility industry since 2008. Jeff is senior editor for T&D World magazine and sits on the advisory board of the T&D World Conference and Exhibition. Utility Products, Power Engineering, Powergrid International and Electric Light & Power are some of the other publications in which Jeff's work has been featured. Jeff received his degree in journalism news editing from Oklahoma State University and currently operates out of Oregon.

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