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Con Edison Stops Meter Reading, Smart Meter Installations due to COVID-19

March 23, 2020
ConEd reminded people in a press release that utility workers will always show proper identification and will only enter a customer’s home for emergencies or safety-related calls.

As a part of the New York-based utility’s efforts to address COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, Con Edison has halted all meter reading and installation of smart meters.

This move is in addition to several other policy changes ConEd has made in the past weeks to prepare for the pandemic. These have included stopping service shut-offs due to non-payment, waiving new late fees for all customers, suspending fees for customers who can’t let utility workers on their property, shutting down customer service walk-in centers and pausing energy audit visits to homes and businesses in New York City and Westchester County.

“Nothing is more important than health and safety,” said Tim Cawley, the president of ConEd. “We want to protect everyone while providing the safe, reliable service our customers need. While many of our work activities have been put on hold, we are focusing on system infrastructure work that ensures safety and reliability.”

ConEd reminded people in a press release that utility workers will always show proper identification and will only enter a customer’s home for emergencies or safety-related calls.

The utility said its workers are following guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and all applicable New York State and New York City guidelines.

ConEd is also having administrative employees work from home, field personnel conduct pre-job briefings in smaller groups, and dividing workers into teams. The company instructs employees to follow the CDC guidelines, including hand washing and social distancing.

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