Hendrix and Kerite by Marmon Utility

Milford, NH 03055


About Hendrix and Kerite by Marmon Utility

Hendrix-Kerite Power Cable supplies medium-voltage cable, high-voltage cable, specialty cable and cable services.


53 Old Wilton Rd.
Milford, NH 03055
(603) 673-2040

More Info on Hendrix and Kerite by Marmon Utility

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Hendrix and Kerite by Marmon Utility are industry-leading brands providing aerial covered conductor systems from 15kV through 115kV, medium and high voltage underground cable from 5kV through 138kV, subsea cable, and high-density polyethylene insulators. Through system design, engineered product quality, innovation, superior customer service and engineering support, Marmon Utility delivers robust products that enable customers to achieve outstanding system reliability in the most challenging environments. 

Articles & News

Transmission Reliability

Aerial Transmission Adopts Covered Conductor Technology

March 21, 2024
Since the first electric power transmission line was built in 1889, essentially the same technology has been used for construction: bare wire (ACSR, AAAC, AAC, etc.), strung on...