Tdworld 18928 Lafleur Ferc

Commissioner LaFleur Leaving FERC

June 26, 2019
Her term officially ends June 30

Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur announced on Twitter last week that she is leaving at the end of August.

According to a story from Concentric Energy Advisors, LaFleur is from Massachusetts and she did not participate in a couple orders earlier this year involving New England entities, fueling speculation that she would return to the New England area for a job in the energy industry.

Her term officially ends June 30, though FERC rules allow her to stay at the Commission until the current congressional session ends.

“During her nine years of service, Commissioner LaFleur has been a source of wisdom and stability at FERC,” said FERC Chairman Neil Chatterjee.  “Though this is a loss to the FERC community, I look forward to watching her continued excellence wherever the next chapter takes her.”

Since joining FERC in July 2010, LaFleur has twice served as chairman, from November 2013 to April 2015, and again at the start of the Trump administration from Jan. 23, 2017, to Aug. 10, 2017, after “Trump took the gavel away from Chairman Norman Bay and FERC was subsequently left without a quorum,” S&P Global Platts reported. She has been credited with keeping FERC running during that lapse and readying orders to be approved once new commissioners were seated, according to the S&P Global Platts report.

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