Landis+Gyr has won a contract for delivery of smart grid technology to energy providers in Poland. The move comes amid the country's ongoing efforts to develop a smart grid environment and ahead of the introduction of a new energy law.
This is the first time that four Distribution System Operators (DSOs) in Poland have joined to launch a public tender in response to ongoing changes in national energy law and regulation. Under the terms of the agreement, Landis+Gyr will deliver over 36,000 S650 smart grid terminals by the end of 2015 to four of the largest DSOs in Poland – RWE Stoen Operator, Enea Operator, Tauron Dystrybucja and PGE Dystrybucja.
The four network operators chose to launch a joint tender in October 2014 for balancing meters to upgrade functionality in their medium and low voltage transformer stations. Through acting jointly and deploying the same technology, the utilities were aiming to secure a unified data collection standard for their networks.
The announcement comes as Poland's national regulator is motivating DSOs to increase their power quality and network efficiency levels. The regulator has stipulated that DSOs must optimise customer outages by reducing two key indices: the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), which both have far higher frequency rates in Poland in comparison to other EU countries.
With this project, Landis+Gyr enables Polish network operators to enhance their distribution intelligence. It also enables them to gradually build up new smart grid capabilities through deploying a scalable solution in which the functionality can be extended to meet new market and regulatory requirements. In addition to balancing functionalities, the S650 smart grid terminal provides network monitoring and control, which allows utilities to visualize power quality issues and optimize customer outages, thus reducing SAIDI and SAIFI indices.