
SGIP Kicks Off New Field Messaging Group

May 14, 2015
The project is a special SGIP working group designed to leverage existing information and Internet of Things (IoT) standards to create a new paradigm for true interoperability and peer-to-peer, multi-vendor communication.

Members of the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) and interested colleagues met in Phoenix, Arizona for an all-day face-to-face discussion on the launch of the Open Field Message Bus (OpenFMB) Project. The project is a special SGIP working group designed to leverage existing information and Internet of Things (IoT) standards to create a new paradigm for true interoperability and peer-to-peer, multi-vendor communication.

Using Duke Energy’s Distributed Intelligence Platform reference architecture demonstrated in the “Coalition of the Willing” project as a springboard, SGIP members are defining the OpenFMB concept as the way distributed applications and well-defined interfaces can enable true interoperability and peer-to-peer data exchanges between distributed power systems devices on the electric grid’s field area network(s).

The OpenFMB initiative fosters new utility grid control and management features and functionality by enabling devices to communicate quickly with each other in an open, secure, and scalable fashion to create a more resilient, reliable, and robust grid that is integrated with the supply-side operations and demand planning. Another key benefit is improved integration of grid devices and services to end-use customer, especially in the wake of the fast growth of distributed energy resources and the advent of transactive energy.

The group has already identified ten existing use cases to review and narrow to one or two for live demonstrations at SGIP’s Annual Conference this November in New Orleans. With utility participation and the inclusion of four test bed facilities – Ameren, CPS Energy, Duke Energy and Southern California Edison – the OpenFMB Project is making quick progress on its objectives.

"Our meeting in Phoenix brought fresh ideas, great learning and sharing opportunities and some amazing outcomes in a short time. I'm excited to see how momentum carries us into the demo at the SGIP Annual Conference later this year," said Stuart McCafferty, SGIP Vice President of Operations.

Representatives from multiple Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs), North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), multiple DOE laboratories, multiple field network vendors, and the UCA International Users Group are also contributing to the effort. The working group has divided tasks and additional meetings are scheduled including another face-to-face session in April 2015.

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