Electrocon International Releases CAPE 14 Computer-Aided Protection Software
Electrocon International has released CAPE 14, the next generation version of Electrocon’s CAPE family of computer-aided protection software. Supporting the system protection function within electric power utilities, CAPE is used by transmission, distribution and generation companies as well as electrical engineering firms in more than 50 countries on six continents worldwide. CAPE offers extensive tools for detailed relay modeling that help engineers manage voluminous and complex network data, uncover potential problems, and examine alternative solutions.
“CAPE 14 is our next generation software featuring new capabilities and enhancements, most often requested by CAPE users worldwide,” remarked Paul F. McGuire, EE, MSEE, PE and President of Electrocon International. “Since its start 30 years ago, CAPE has become a standard in protection.”
CAPE 14 includes a number of new features designed to enhance usability and improve engineer productivity including:
- Automated time-distance diagrams with option to store in database.
- Edit forms for adjusting existing double/triple/quadruple, ring, and breaker-and-a-half detailed bus structures.
- Point-to-point line structure for graphical representation of transmission lines, point buses, bus ties, transformers, and shunts.
- On-line documentation with fast, simultaneous keyword-searching across all help.
- Support for NERC standards PRC-019-1 (coordination of Generator Voltage Regulator Controls with Unit Capabilities and Protection), PRC-023-2 Transmission Relay Loadability), PRC-025-1 (Generator Relay Loadability), PRC-026-1 (Stable power Swing Relay Loadability), and PRC-027-1 (Protection System Coordination for Performance during Faults).
- CAPE-TS Link™ option to integrate the detailed protection system model of CAPE with the time-domain model of the Siemens PTI PSS®E transient stability simulation.
- IPS-CAPE Bridge™ optional to provide two-way data exchange between the IPS-RELEX™ protection system data management software and the CAPE protection system simulation environment.
- Special support for generator protection coordination tasks; display of generator capability curves; loss-of-field protection.
- Frequency relay models.
- Volts-per-Hertz relay models.
- 100+ new detailed relay models developed since CAPE 2010 bringing the total relays to more than 6000 detailed relay styles, reclosers and fuses.
- Modeling of generator and induction motor fault decay in Short Circuit, System Simulator, and Relay Checking.
- Support for modeling unbalanced three-phase transformers.
- Enhanced Shunt Capacitor Bank Performance macro.
- Quickscan fault studies.
- Quick protection system simulations in Short Circuit.
- CT saturation simulation in differential relays.
- Short-circuit and relay checking simulation speed enhancements.
- Enhanced hot key combinations.
- Sliding fault impedance feature.
“CAPE users with an active maintenance agreement are eligible to receive CAPE 14 at no charge as a part of Electrocon’s ongoing commitment to continuous improvement,” stated McGuire. Users without an active support agreement may restore their maintenance support agreement to receive CAPE 14.
CAPE Third-Party Interface Modules
CAPE offers optional connectivity with third-party software applications commonly used for planning and data management. Two such modules include CAPE-TS Link and the IPS-CAPE Bridge. In addition, the CAPE Neutral Interface (CAPE-NI) allows CAPE to share data with other asset management software.
Bridging the gap between Planning and Protection
A new optional module in CAPE 14 is the CAPE-TS Link module which integrates the detailed protection system model of CAPE with the time-domain model of the Siemens PTI PSS®E transient stability simulation. CAPE-TS Link was designed to provide a long needed protection model in transient stability studies. Our timing was perfect because it can now aid in conducting compliance studies for the NERC PRC-026-1 standard for “Relay Performance During Stable Power Swings”. This unique simulation tool combines Electrocon’s premier stepped-event protection system simulation with time-domain transient stability programs. It enables for the first time a reliable simulation of the bulk electric power system in a way that models the effect of protective relay operations on the dynamic behavior of the system. The ability of the installed or planned protective devices to meet the critical clearing time criteria can now be demonstrated. CAPE’s library of detailed distance, overcurrent, voltage, and differential protective devices has been augmented with frequency and out-of-step relays to support unexcelled realism.
A survey of selected U.S. electric utilities and industry professionals and a technical white paper published by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) indicate that this kind of analysis and simulation capability can be of great value to the industry in evaluating and improving the reliability of the electric grid.
CAPE-TS Link is an option for CAPE 14 users with Siemens PTI PSS®E. Special pricing is being offered to users adding this module as a part of their upgrade to CAPE 14.
Protection System Data Management Connectivity
The IPS-CAPE Bridge provides two-way data exchange between the IPS-RELEX protection system data management software and the CAPE protection system simulation environment. The Bridge manages the mapping of data common to both products in a way that preserves data integrity. Depending on the transfer the user requests, it can create new substations, LZOPs, relays, and relay settings in the destination database or simply update them if they already exist.
CAPE software is built for engineers responsible for protection of high voltage transmission systems and distribution systems within electric power utilities and includes:
- Detailed modeling capabilities based on a single open source database.
- Support for analysis and simulation to solve data management issues, uncover potential network and protective device problems, and evaluate alternatives.
- Support for networks of any size.
- Support for setting complex modern digital relays.
- Support for relay coordination functions and wide-area studies.
- Ability to integrate with conventional transient stability programs to allow the kind of evaluation of wide-area control needed to avoid cascading outages and blackouts.
CAPE handles networks of any size, large or small. CAPE users have systems ranging from under 100 buses to over 30,000 buses. Several have protection systems with 20,000 to 50,000 relays.
Simulating short circuits and showing the responses of protective devices
With CAPE, you use a mouse to click and drag elements on a one-line diagram, and to open breakers, apply faults, and simulate protective system responses. Conducting automated fault studies and wide area coordination reviews, developing incisive custom reports, and identifying fault locations, all become practical, efficient activities that add value to the organization.
More detail gives you more realistic results
CAPE’s ability to handle rich detail allows users to create models accurate enough to realistically predict likely misoperations. CAPE handles model-specific comparator equations, phase and fault selection logic, manufacturer- and model-specific setting names, and internal supervision logic. CAPE comes with a library of relays, distribution reclosers, and fuses, all ready to use out of the box.
Get the most from your data
CAPE is built upon a true relational database, which is included with CAPE software. CAPE’s underlying DBMS is fully ODBC- and SQL-compliant; therefore, the CAPE database may be accessed with programs like Oracle and Microsoft Access. All of the CAPE modules use the same CAPE database data, so any data item is entered once and may be used many times.