Elster Solutions has released version 9.0 of the EnergyAxis advanced metering infrastructure solution. This release, which includes a large number of functionality enhancements as well as user interface improvements, further increases system performance, enhances flexibility, and provides additional configuration and upgrade capabilities across the wide range of electric, water, gas and in-home devices supported by EnergyAxis.
With this release, Elster is introducing breakthrough architectural enhancements that significantly advance the flexibility, speed and security of remote configuration and upgrade of devices and firmware. EnergyAxis version 9.0 offers utilities the means to significantly reduce the time and cost of deploying field personnel to complete equipment upgrades and reconfigurations.
Based on the findings of design workshops with EnergyAxis developers and users, Elster has also embarked on a new approach to the user interface of the EnergyAxis Management System (EA_MS). EnergyAxis version 9.0 offers significant enhancements in operator efficiency and application usability; more task-oriented menu structures, context sensitivity, and configuration frameworks enable workers to tailor the application to ideally fit their method of working.
"The BPU team participated with Elster in user interface workshops and focus groups," said William A. Johnson, Manager of Electric operations & Technology, Kansas City Board of Public Utilities. "A lot of good ideas came out of that joint exercise between our users and Elster's development team. We're definitely excited to be among the first to receive the improved user interface as well as get access to the latest functionality."
Version 9.0 also delivers enhancements to EnergyAxis existing multi-utility meter management—enabling utilities with electricity and water or gas meters to more effectively manage two or three utility services through the same head end system. New key performance indicator reports simplify system management, including enhanced single and multi-day read success metrics for electric as well as gas and water meters (both register and interval). Elster is a leading provider of multi-utility AMI systems in North America.
"Fort Collins Utilities is known for taking a leadership role in adopting new technology and providing the best customer service," said Kraig Bader, Standards Engineering Manager, City of Fort Collins Utilities. "For that reason, we're pleased with the opportunity to test the new and enhanced functionality being offered by Elster in EnergyAxis 9.0."