Ecologic MDMS passed without exception the industry’s first interoperability test of the International Electrotechnical Commission/Common Information Model (IEC/CIM) 61968 Part 9 standard. The Electric Power Research Institute facilitated a series of seven rigorous tests verifying the ability of participating smart grid technologies to exchange and interpret data using the IEC/CIM messaging protocol between systems.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has prescribed IEC/CIM standards be used for integration of smart grid systems and technology components. EPRI testing has now confirmed with leading technology suppliers both the implementation of these standards in generally available smart grid products and their streamlined interoperability in a scalable architecture.
A comprehensive report is available directly from EPRI on the smart grid solution suppliers participating in this testing titled, “Smart Meter Information Interoperability Test (61968-Part 9) – The power of the Common Information Model to exchange messages between back-end systems” (Product ID Number: 1017855).
For each of the seven interoperability tests, the Ecologic MDMS used its native IEC/CIM 61968 Part 9 interfaces to send and receive meter reading, meter control, and meter event messages. These tests included message exchanges with metering, outage management and simulated customer information systems