APX, Inc., a provider of energy market support systems and services for the electric power industry, has announced that the New England Power Pool has signed a five-year extension of the agreement for APX to operate and administer NEPOOL's Generation Information System. The GIS verifies and manages the renewable energy certificates (RECs) that are the basis for environmental trading and investment incentives in the New England states, and monitors emissions of all generators selling power through ISO New England's market system.
Under the five-year contract extension, APX will continue to provide program administration and operational support, as well as provide enhancements to the GIS platform and data center infrastructure.
quot;he NEPOOL Participants Committee unanimously supported the continued use of APX to operate and administer the GIS.
Developed, administered and hosted by APX, the NEPOOL GIS began operation July 1, 2002, to help verify retail electric supplier compliance with various green power and environmental regulations. A web-based system, the NEPOOL GIS records the fuel sources, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other attributes associated with generation and creates a unique, traceable digital certificate for every MWh generated within or imported into the ISO New England Control Area. Retail electric suppliers use the system's certificates to report compliance with requirements set by New England states, including renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and disclosure of fuel sources.
To date, the NEPOOL GIS has created and managed about 700 million certificates. More than 290 market participants in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine, and New York are currently using the GIS. Other implementations of the APX Registry Solution serve hundreds of other market participants in PJM (PJM GATS), ERCOT (Texas REC) and across the United States and Canada.