Elster Integrated Solutions has successfully demonstrated ZigBee product interoperability with participating partner companies using the ZigBee Smart Energy Profile. The ZigBee Alliance is an association of companies working together to enable reliable, cost-effective, low-power, wirelessly networked, monitoring and control products based on an open global standard.
The ZigBee Alliance recently completed the ZigBee Smart Energy public application profile, which Elster is using in its EnergyAxis System AMI solution. ZigBee Smart Energy offers utility companies a global open standard for implementing secure, easy-to-use wireless Home Area Networks (HAN) for managing energy.
Participation in the ZigBee Alliance gives Elster and its partners the opportunity to offer ZigBee Certified Products for use in HAN solutions. Elster successfully demonstrated interoperability testing with its EnergyAxis System and partnering companies including: Comverge, Energate, LS Research and Riga Development. EIS joined the ZigBee Alliance in 2007. In cooperation with its partners, EIS will deploy ZigBee Smart Energy Certified Products for use in HAN solutions for the EnergyAxis® System in 2008.
By offering AMI solutions that support HANs designed for ZigBee, Elster continues to offer electric, gas and water AMI solutions for demand response, load control, pricing and customer communications. Elster’s EnergyAxis System supports multiple HAN solutions, so utilities using an EnergyAxis AMI have a choice when selecting in-home displays, programmable communicating thermostats or load control devices.
Elster’s EnergyAxis System delivers AMI technology to manage installed smart devices and communicate related information. The system provides the foundation for energy conservation, demand response, smart home solutions and is part of the smart grid of the future. Elster’s AMI system supports gas, electricity and water while its open and interoperable architecture lowers investment risk by providing maximum flexibility for the integration of third-party solutions and emerging technologies via open and standards based interfaces.