Ecologic Analytics has announced its Enhanced Outage Management (EOM) module, which intelligently leverages AMR/AMI assets for quickly detecting power losses, smartly scoping their size and location and verifying the effectiveness of restoration activities.
The business logic and rules within this major advance in outage management software provide more than simple filtering of redundant and momentary outage data. EOM interprets last gasp and power-up notifications and identifies the distinct characteristics displayed by sustained outage events. Using its smart scoping capability, EOM determines which meters to proactively ping to precisely confirm the full extent of the outage. Once the affected service points are confirmed, EOM delivers transformer-level information about “real” outages to the utility’s Outage Management System (OMS).
Using the Ecologic MDMS with EOM ensures the utility’s OMS is not flooded with unnecessary data throughout the entire outage and restoration event. EOM continuously checks the OMS to determine which affected transformers have already been recognized as “out” or “restored.” The module simultaneously analyzes the volumes of data available through the AMR/AMI system. EOM quickly correlates these data streams and delivers updated outage or restoration status information only for impacted service points undiscovered by the OMS.
This additional high-definition view greatly enhances the efficiency and confidence with which outage events can be managed and provides a near-real-time status—meter by meter, transformer by transformer and region by region—of the restoration process.
Further enhancing strong customer service for the utility, EOM coordinates with the Ecologic MDMS VEE modules – WAVE and iWAVE, to generate precise zero consumption reporting during outage periods. This enables highly accurate proration, and when appropriate, estimates of the usage for each service point during the event, significantly improving the integrity of customer usage presentment and billing data for the utility.