Streetlight out? If you're a Detroit Edison residential or business customer, you now can report it online at
"We have more than 200,000 street lights in our service area. When there's a problem that we need to know about, our customers' help can be invaluable," said Ed Henderson, Detroit Edison's manager of Community Lighting. "With our new online system, reporting an outage -and getting it fixed - is easier and faster than ever."
To report a street light out at their home or business, customers need only to fill in the address on the online form. If they spot an outage is elsewhere, customers simply type in the city location, the intersection nearest to the affected light, and their contact information.
"Completing the forms takes only a minute, but can make a big difference in getting the repair done as quickly as possible," noted Henderson.
In addition to the new online system, customers can report street light problems by calling Detroit Edison toll-free at (800) 477-4747 or by contacting their local municipality.
Street lights in Detroit are owned and maintained by the city's Public Lighting Department (PLD). Detroit residents need to contact PLD at 311 to report street light outages.