eMeter's EnergyIP software has reached a major milestone with the introduction of EnergyIP version 6.0.
"With the 6.0 release we've set the foundation for the first mass market application based on real-time interval meter data," said Cree Edwards, eMeter's CEO. "This is absolutely fundamental to the premise of energy efficiency and demand response. Providing consumers with price incentives to use power efficiently depends on options like TOU (time of use) and CPP (critical peak pricing) programs where power prices reflect the real time-variable costs of energy, including future carbon costs. These types of pricing programs cannot be implemented without interval data and usage-based billing."
In addition to the extensive support for consumer TOU billing and exception handling, release 6.0 now covers the requirements for complex commercial and industrial (C&I) billing using interval data from these accounts. Functionality to support consumer solar and other renewable energy initiatives through the net metering processes is also in place.
These new functions are layered on a broad foundation of real-time processing that includes event handling, VEE (Validation, Estimation & Editing), and Billing Determinant computations. EnergyIP also provides a complete suite of meter and device management and provisioning services to support high volume meter installations. These functions are configurable for worldwide markets including Europe, Asia-Pacific, and North America. Version 6.0 also supports connectivity to 17 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems from providers such as Elster, Landis+Gyr, and Sensus. These off-the-shelf adapters allow utilities to choose a wide range of AMI technologies without custom coding and without the future headache of maintaining custom code.
EnergyIP version 6.0 is marketed globally in partnership with Siemens and leading system integrators. Version 6.0 is certified on platforms including IBM AIX, Redhat Linux, and Sun Solaris as well as virtualization environments such as VMWare. Along with its high- scalable real-time architecture, flexibility to support any AMI system, and third-party support, EnergyIP offers the lowest total cost of ownership.