Green Energy Corp, a software technology company that enables traditional and emerging power providers to move to the smart grid, has joined the MultiSpeak Initiative for software application integration and interoperability.
Created by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Cooperative Research Network, MultiSpeak is a software specification designed to help utilities exchange data among software applications and automate business processes. As an integral part of Green Energy Corp’s GreenBus product strategy, MultiSpeak helps vendors and utilities by enabling software products from different vendors to interoperate without requiring the development of custom interfaces.
“We are pleased to have Green Energy Corp join the MultiSpeak Initiative, which has been helping cooperative utilities implement Smart Grid technologies,” said Bob Saint, MultiSpeak program manager at NRECA. “According to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, cooperatives lead the industry in the deployment of smart grid projects such as advanced meter nfrastructure. With the introduction of MultiSpeak Version 4 and GreenBus, utilities will be able to achieve a much higher level of interoperability between their applications.”
GreenBus is a secure middleware platform that captures extremely high volume, real-time field device data and interconnects that data with operations and business systems. With this new access to grid intelligence through shared operational data and integrated applications, utilities are able to make the promise of the smart grid a reality.
“Our commitment to the MultiSpeak Initiative provides significant advantages to utilities and vendors,” said Roxy Podlogar, vice president of Product Strategy at Green Energy Corp. “With the addition of MultiSpeak, GreenBus gives utilities a ‘plug and play’ ability to interconnect systems. It also helps smart grid vendors reduce the time and cost to develop smart solutions.”