Pepco Holdings Inc. (PHI) has purchased Winternals Defrag Manager. PHI licensed the Winternals solution for use on Windows servers throughout the company's multisite enterprise. The product was purchased through Endurics, LLC, an ELITE Partner in the Winternals Edge channel program.
Defrag Manager will be deployed to more than 500 Windows servers throughout PHI's dispersed Windows environment. The product will help the company maintain its reliable IT infrastructure by optimizing performance of the servers' disk drives.
"PHI's recent purchase of Defrag Manager is yet another indication that large companies are looking for a safe, easy, and affordable means to manage their disk defragmentation requirements," said Kevin Connell, CTO of Endurics.
PHI is an electricity and natural gas delivery company that serves about 1.8 million commercial and residential customers in the Mid-Atlantic region through its subsidiaries Pepco, DelmarvaPower, and Atlantic City Electric. The company also provides competitive wholesale generation services and retail energy products and services.
Defrag Manager is a Windows enterprise defragmentation solution that remotely defragments the drives of all computers throughout the network, without requiring any manual installations on clients. Enterprise defragmentation is remotely controlled and configured from one system -- regardless of the number of computers in the network or the physical location of the machines. Results from using the product include better application and system performance, averted hardware upgrades, increased end-user productivity, and reduced desk side support requirements.