Silver Spring Networks has connected more than one million homes and businesses in Australia. In partnership with CitiPower and Powercor Australia, Jemena, and United Energy, Silver Spring Networks is providing the standards-based IPv6 networking platform, software and services to support the rollout of the State Government of Victoria’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure program.
Customers of CitiPower and Powercor, Jemena, and United Energy are already realizing the benefits of the smart grid. Because advanced metering provides frequent and reliable reads, estimated bills are quickly becoming a thing of the past, and consumers are already starting to access their energy usage information online. Smart energy networks also enable consumers with smart meters to enjoy faster and more affordable service and maintenance without needing a field technician to visit their home.
Silver Spring’s standards-based IPv6 networking platform supports a range of solutions and applications focused on increasing power grid performance and improving energy efficiency. The platform supports distribution automation and outage notification systems to enhance the reliability of the electrical grid for consumers. The platform will also support demand-side management and is fully compliant with the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) criteria enabling in-home displays for end-customers.