OSIsoft has completed testing integration of the PI System with SAP AMI Enhancement Package 4 web services.
OSIsoft has been working with SAP AG to achieve integration of end-to-end processes between the meter and the back office systems and to reduce a company’s total cost of ownership for an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). For the past year the SAP AMI Lighthouse Council, comprised of seven power companies, has been shaping integration of the SAP solution with AMI meter data collection systems.
OSIsoft is using its PI System as a Meter Data Unification System (MDUS) for collection of meter data and integration with SAP. The PI System acts as a data concentrator for meter and event data between the AMI head end systems and downstream SAP solutions. All integration between the PI System MDUS and SAP is achieved by using web services.
SAP outlined a series of tests that had to be performed to demonstrate the business functionality of integration between the SAP ERP system, the MDUS layer, through to the meter. OSIsoft successfully completed all tests required by the SAP Utilities IBU, demonstrating the complete business functionality of data integration between meter data collection systems and the SAP solution as outlined in the Enhancement Package 4 release of the SAP AMI product.
In addition, successful integration testing has been demonstrated at Consumers Energy, a member of the SAP AMI Lighthouse Council. The PI System has been selected to be the MDUS solution for the Consumers Energy demand-response pilot.
OSIsoft plans a continued effort in this development; work is progressing on the next release of web services The process of co-innovation and collaboration between SAP and OSIsoft has fostered better understanding of challenges faced by utility companies in delivering this functionality and has assisted OSIsoft in bringing a better product to market.