Jilin Electric Power Co. Ltd has selected Intergraph to extend automated facilities management to all of China's Jilin Province, serving more than 27 million customers.
Using G/Technology, Jilin Electric will be able to streamline the management of its transmission and distribution workflows, enabling enterprisewide access to data. Jilin Electric chose the open Intergraph system because it is scalable for future growth requirements. In addition, it automates operations management and reporting as well as inspections related to each level of the power distribution network and electric transmission stations, saving manpower and enabling more efficient customer response.
"We have tried other ways to manage our information systems for the operations and maintenance of the electric network, but haven't been able to get the results we need," said Lin Tao, vice director, operations division, Jilin Electric. "With the flexibility of Intergraph G/Technology we can ensure better support of our distribution network throughout the province and ensure high-quality service to our customers."
Using Intergraph technology as the enabling core for a geospatial resource management (GRM) environment, Jilin Electric will store all data in a single, geospatially enabled database to facilitate information sharing between other enterprise applications. G/Technology, based on electric industry best practices, will handle both textual and graphical data for integrated asset management. Implemented in conjunction with an Intergraph partner, Beijing Continent Computing Ltd., the system is expected to be deployed late this year.
"Jilin Electric is part of an increasing trend among electric providers to automate processes and build one system that can manage integrated assets," said Tim Mahoney, vice president, Asia Pacific, Intergraph's Security, Government & Infrastructure division. "More and more companies are turning to Intergraph to enable the management of their entire facilities network, integrate workflows, optimize decision support and elevate operational efficiency as part of a single geospatial resource management environment. With G/Technology, Jilin Electric will be able to provide their customers with faster response times and enhanced service."