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Sempra Energy CEO Addresses Energy Transition At Global Energy Forum

Dec. 28, 2019
Chairman and CEO Jeff Martin says strong leadership and innovation needed to drive the global energy transition.

Sempra Energy's Chairman and CEO, Jeffrey W. Martin delivered the keynote speech at S&P Global Platts' Global Energy Outlook Forum, addressing the future of the rapidly evolving energy industry, trends affecting the sector and the need for leadership and innovation to address global issues.

"Access to energy has improved the lives of billions by enabling enhanced health care, greater food supply and technology innovations," said Martin in his keynote address. "However, there are a number of profound challenges facing communities around the globe, including the task of modernizing the world's energy infrastructure and delivering new energy resources."

Sempra Energy is working to capitalize on the opportunities created by the energy transition and the United States' growing leadership position in the global energy market. Sempra Energy is focused on growing in the most attractive markets in North America with a view toward having a global impact. Through its strategically located liquefied natural gas (LNG) development projects, the company is developing the infrastructure that can directly dispatch LNG into Atlantic and Pacific markets to deliver cleaner, more reliable and more affordable energy to the world.

"The world is depending on new energy sources," said Martin. "So many countries need access to cleaner, more secure forms of energy to address the needs of their growing populations. This underlies Sempra's belief that the 21st century is the 'Energy Century'  highlighting the need to deliver energy with purpose – backed by strong leadership and a united focus. There is a lot riding on the decisions we make."

Over the past few years, Sempra has set out to simplify its business model and sharpen its focus on building North America's premier energy infrastructure company. The company has reduced its geographic asset base, while narrowing its focus in the energy value chain to transmission and distribution assets that offer attractive returns. In fact, more than 40 million consumers worldwide count on Sempra Energy to power their lives. The company's public utilities power homes and businesses in California and Texas, while also building and operating important energy infrastructure in the United States and Mexico.

The Global Energy Outlook Forum is an annual event held in New York City, bringing together about 200 energy executives and industry leaders to discuss power and energy topics driven by social, political, and economic issues around the world. The key themes for this year's event are the energy transition and how the industry is investing in the future.

Additionally, Martin has been nominated for the CEO of the Year Award for the S&P Global Platts Global Energy Awards. Sempra Energy is nominated for the Energy Transition Award, which distinguishes companies at the forefront of the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable economy.

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