As part of the Youth Energy Celebration hosted by the Ohio Energy Project (OEP), Dayton Power and Light (DP&L) and Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio (Vectren) presented Energy Leadership Scholarships to three high school seniors who have demonstrated leadership in their schools in the area of energy education.
Held in Columbus at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, three area students were presented with DP&L and Vectren Energy Leadership Scholarships. Hailey Wick of Lehman Catholic High School, Alexis Cradlebaugh of Valley View High School/Miami Valley Career Technology Center and Emily (Emmy) Stephens of Oakwood High School will each receive $1,000 toward college expenses.
Wick plans to attend University of Cincinnati to study nursing with a minor in psychology. Cradlebaugh will attend Ohio University to study visual communications. Stephens will major in graphic design at the University of Cincinnati.
The scholarships are a part of DP&L and Vectren’s School Energy Education Program facilitated by OEP throughout the year. Each year, DP&L teams with Vectren to hold an Energy Fair teaching young people about energy efficiency through hands-on sessions that allow high school students to mentor their younger counterparts.
In addition, DP&L and Vectren have sponsored the Be E3 Smart energy efficiency program since 2009. As a result, more than 81,000 energy efficiency kits have been sent home through the classroom. In June, DP&L is supporting the Activating and Energizing Girls In Science energy bike building program for the fifth year.
Two area teachers were also honored for their participation in energy education. Jennifer Stormer from Northwood Elementary School in Dayton received the DP&L Teacher Award and Nathaniel Hatton from Miamisburg High School was the recipient of the Vectren Teacher Award. Both have participated in DP&L and Vectren’s energy education programs.