The Sargent & Lundy Power Delivery Services group has set the dates for its Transmission Line and Substation Engineering courses. Sargent & Lundy's senior engineers have conducted the courses since 1994 for engineers and designers from domestic and international electric power companies. Attendees obtain one Continuing Education Unit (CEU) for every 10 hours of classroom instruction and a Certificate of Completion. In addition, the courses are also available to utilities at their offices.
The 4-day courses are open to utility staff and provide practical, project-oriented training for both entry level engineers and the experienced engineer new to the design, specification, and installation of transmission and substation facilities. To date, more than 1300 industry professionals from 100 companies have participated.
The 2008 course dates in Chicago are:
Substation Engineering Course
March 3-6, 2008
November 3-6, 2008
Transmission Line Engineering Course
March 10-13, 2008
November 10-13, 2008