Technical tours offer a close-up look at some of the most technologically advanced facilities in the world. The technical tour program has been arranged by the 2012 local organizing committee in coordination with the host utility. Reservations are being accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
The OUC Chilled Water Plant & SF6 Insulated Substation tour will be one option each day of the conference. The SF6 Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) is an urban, low-profile substation that feeds the downtown Orlando load. The GIS operates at 115 kV in a 5-position ring bus configuration. It is made up of three transmission lines and two transformer bays. The first two 115-kV lines are high pressure fluid-filled (HPFF), and the third is XLPE.
Each transformer bay is made up of two 20 MVA power transformers with the high-voltage bushings fully enclosed in GIS bus duct. The 115kV GIS includes circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, ground switches, current transformers, and voltage transformers which are mounted in sealed enclosures. These items plus the busbar system, compressed air system, local control cubicles are in this switchgear. The main busbar is a 3 phase common enclosure rated at 2,000 A. The terminators are G&W paper-perforated stress cones and comprise part of the HPFF system. Cathodic protection is used to protect the pipe that enclosed the underground HPFF cable, and has a Dairyland isolator to protect the system from surges. The GIS switchgear was manufactured in Japan and was a collaboration between G.E. and Hitachi. The substation has been in operation since 1987.
Cost: $25.00
TOUR DATES/TIME: (TT15) May 10, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m
Chilled Water Tour Location: 515 West Anderson Street, Orlando, Fl. 32802
Substation Tour Location: 129 W. Robinson St. Orlando, FL 32801
TOUR TRAVEL TIME: 20 minutes to chilled water, 5 minutes from water to substation
EXPECTED DURATION (not counting travel): 45 minutes Chilled Water, 30 minutes Substation
SIZE LIMIT: 40 people per tour