NERC CIP Awareness & Training is being offered by Global Training Solutions Inc. of Mississauga, Ontario Canada. Programs available include interactive e-learning, classroom and poster and newsletter formats.
The comprehensive e-learning course is available as an interactive, self-paced fully customized training program that helps organizations comply with CIP requirements.
NERC CIP Standard CIP-004-1 R2 requires that personnel having authorized cyber access or unescorted physical access to critical cyber assets must have annual cyber security training that addresses policies, access controls, and procedures appropriate to personnel roles and responsibilities. This course address these issues as well as best practices as it relates to computer usage in a utility company environment. The course addresses CIP-004 Awareness & Training Mandate.
The NERC CIP Awareness Training Course is also offered as a fully customized classroom training program, providing face-to-face instruction, supported by our team of highly experienced Security Specialists. Student Workbooks are also included in the program. The NERC CIP Information Security E-learning Series can be effectively used to supplement the instructor-led training program to reinforce all concepts learned in the classroom.
Course Completion Certificates are also available with the both the E-learning and classroom formats.
System operators can earn a fraction of their Continuing Education Credit Hours (CEHs) NERC requirements with the online NERC CIP Security Awareness Training Course.
Also available, is the NERC CIP Security Awareness Poster and Newsletter Program, providing a communications solution to satisfy the requirements of the CIP-004 R1 Standard. The program includes electronic newsletters and posters branded with each company logo. Newsletters and posters contain security based topics informing employees on various elements of proper security practices. Posters include full-color, high quality resolution, downloadable as a PDF and printable up to 24” X 36”. Monthly and quarterly subscriptions available.