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Managing the Growing Renewable Crisis

Aug. 17, 2021
The rise of renewable energy and DER’s is a genie we can’t put back in the bottle. We can’t go backward. The only path forward is to expect more, not less. The challenges they bring will continue to increase, and we in the industry have to keep up.

Utilities are struggling to balance grid modernization along with cooperating renewables and more distributed generation into their infrastructure. With DER growth and new regulations like FERC 2222, how do utilities address the current state of the grid?

Micatu and Zpryme conducted a survey to explore this issue.

Topics Discussed:

  • The Growing Renewables Crisis
  • How Utilities Currently Leverage Their Grids
  • Power Quality and the Renewables Crisis at Hand
  • Potentials of Optical, Non-Conductive Sensing
  • Minding the Gaps in Existing Grid Measurement Data