PPL Electric Utilities Plans New Substation to Serve East-Central York County, Pennsylvania

Jan. 14, 2011
PPL Electric Utilities will build a new substation and distribution line in Lower Windsor Township, York County, Pennsylvania in 2011 to improve reliability for customers on the west side of the Susquehanna River.

PPL Electric Utilities will build a new substation and distribution line in Lower Windsor Township, York County, Pennsylvania in 2011 to improve reliability for customers on the west side of the Susquehanna River. The Red Front project will cost about $4.2 million.

“This new substation and 4-mi distribution line will provide an additional electricity source for about 3,350 PPL Electric Utilities customers in east-central York County and help ensure continued reliability,” said Carl Segneri, vice president of Distribution Operations for PPL Electric Utilities. “Having an additional source of power available to the area also means faster restoration times in the event of an outage.”

Construction should start early in 2011 and be complete by the end of May. The project will be located off Gun Club Road, and tap into an existing First Energy 115-kV transmission line. The new substation will step power down from 115 kV to 12 kV for residential distribution.

Projects like Red Front are part of a PPL Electric Utilities plan to invest more than $3 billion over the next five years to upgrade its transmission and delivery systems to ensure continued safe and reliable electric service, Segneri said.

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