Protecting Aircraft and Power Lines

Sept. 8, 2015
As more transmission lines are being built keep up with the demand for electricity and to move renewable energy, utilities are looking at what is available in power line markers and airway lighting.

Back in 1945 thru 1955 our national transmission grid was built to bring reliable electricity to all Americans. During the 1950s many canyon and river crossings and remote towers were not lit or marked due to the lack of remote power, absence of technology and not as many helicopters and aircraft in the air.

Today, nearly 65 years later, most utilities are busy building new transmission lines to add new capacity to accommodate our growing population and electrical needs. Reports have stated that computers and cell phones have added 7% to our electrical load by themselves.  Additional new transmission lines need to be built to bring wind, solar or natural gas generation on line.  Older lines are being rebuilt and upgraded to handle heavier loads created by growth, population and business growth.  

As more transmission lines are being built to keep up with the demand for electricity and to move renewable energy, utilities are looking at what is available in power line markers and airway lighting.

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