The North Dakota Public Service Commission approved siting applications for two Basin Electric high-voltage transmission projects at their March 5 meeting in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Commissioners approved a Certificate of Corridor Compatibility and Route Permit for each of the 345-kilovolt (kV) projects: the Pioneer-to-Judson line and the Roundup-to-Kummer Ridge line. The commission held hearings for the projects in Williston and Killdeer in February.
The 15-mile Pioneer-to-Judson 345-kV line will connect the Pioneer Generation Station Phase IV (PGSIV) project to the Judson substation near Williston. The line is necessary to transmit power from the units under construction at PGSIV to the grid that serves Basin Electric’s member cooperatives.
The 32.5-mile Roundup-to-Kummer Ridge 345-kV line will connect the existing Roundup substation near Killdeer in Dunn County to the Kummer Ridge substation near Johnson’s Corner in McKenzie County. The line will ensure a redundant feed to the load being served at the Kummer Ridge substation and will also provide a parallel path in the case of an outage of another nearby 345-kV line.
Bobby Nasset, Basin Electric supervisor of Civil Engineering and project manager for both lines, said construction for each is planned to begin this spring, contingent upon receiving remaining permits and approvals. Both lines are scheduled to be complete by the end of the year.