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Ambient Adjusted Rating Solution Supports Electric Utilities in Complying with FERC Order No. 881

July 7, 2023
With full compliance mandated by July 2025, AAR is a Grid Enhancing Technology (GET) that will increase the capacity of power lines and minimize the curtailment of wind and solar generation.

Ampacimon has released GridBoost Lite and GridBoost Advanced to support utilities in deploying Ambient Adjusted Ratings (AAR) throughout their transmission systems for compliance with the recent FERC Order No. 881, “Managing Transmission Line Ratings.” The order was issued by FERC in December of 2021 to improve the accuracy and transparency of electric transmission ratings in the United States. With full compliance mandated by July 2025, AAR is a Grid Enhancing Technology (GET) that will increase the capacity of power lines and minimize the curtailment of wind and solar generation.

GridBoost is a grid-enhancing technology that was developed by the market leaders in line rating systems and presents a turnkey solution to utilities and an alternative to self-developed or EMS applications that can be expensive and complex to maintain.

GridBoost is a family of solutions that include GridBoost Lite, GridBoost Advanced, and GridBoost DLR that monitor real-time line conditions to increase electric transmission capacity above traditional static and seasonal ratings. These systems integrate into a utility’s EMS to provide hourly line ratings forecasted out to a 10-day time horizon and are compliant with all of the line rating requirements of the FERC order.

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