Hughes Brothers structure test.

Engineering Beyond Standards: Why more testing means stronger transmission and distribution assets

March 6, 2017
Sponsored Content by Hughes Brothers

American utilities make quality, low-cost electricity possible for communities nationwide. Meeting that demand each day requires a highly trained staff and equipment that can withstand intense storms and years of wear and tear. For decades, Hughes Brothers has carefully engineered and manufactured transmission and distribution equipment designed to help utilities deliver safe, reliable electricity to customers.

Quality engineering has been a cornerstone of Hughes Brothers’ manufacturing since its founding in 1921. Hughes Brothers works closely with clients to understand performance requirements, environmental threats and anticipated functional life of any assets before determining the appropriate course of actions. In some cases, new custom-engineered structures are necessary, while in others, simple repairs or adjustments to existing designs can achieve the goal.

Resiliency: Resiliency means more than just designing for extreme events. It also means designing to enable a utility to recover from the event. Hurricane Sandy is an unforgettable example of how powerful super storms limit utilities’ ability to deliver power. The record-breaking storm caused $71 billion in damages and left millions without electricity for days. Scientists expect storms like Sandy to become more common, requiring utilities to not just design initially to withstand the storm, but also to construct lines and use products that can be rapidly manufactured to recover from the event. Hughes Brothers works closely with utilities to select materials that are not just strong, but readily available in case of emergency.

Lasting Impact: Many Hughes Brothers transmission and distribution structures replaced within the last decade have stood three quarters of a century or longer. Assets installed in their place will be required to serve similar periods due to the time and expense associated with replacement. Using quality products, engineering analysis and testing to create new, more resilient structures could yield longer functional lives for new equipment.

A Record of Excellence:

Since the early 1920s, HB engineering has facilitated the design and construction of more than 100,000 circuit miles of overhead transmission and distribution lines.

Hughes Brothers’ has completed more than 100 full scale structure tests on everything from tiny bolts to large transmission structures, which is why less than .01% of Hughes Brothers products are imperfect.

Each one of Hughes Brothers’ 90,000 products meets or exceeds industry standards and is retested regularly to guarantee performance.

An unwavering commitment to continuous improvement has always guided design, testing, and development at Hughes Brothers. Hughes Brother’s extensively tests new products before releasing them for fabrication at their large facility. Over the years, Hughes’ engineers have created more than 900,000 distinct parts to help customers overcome complex challenges in the field. These custom-designed items eventually become one of Hughes Brothers’ 90,000 items available for sale.

The Hughes Brothers team has several ASTM-certified staff members focused on engineering, manufacturing and delivering quality products that meet or exceed industry standards. To learn more about Hughes Brothers, visit: . 

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