
JCP&L to Hold Open House for Morris County Transmission Project

Nov. 12, 2013
Jersey Central Power & Light will provide additional information about its proposed $25 million Montville-Whippany Transmission Reinforcement Project at open houses.

Jersey Central Power & Light will provide additional information about its proposed $25 million Montville-Whippany Transmission Reinforcement Project at open houses on Nov. 13 and Nov. 14.

The proposed route for the project involves constructing a new, seven-mile 230 kV transmission line in Morris County through parts of East Hanover, Parsippany and Montville to enhance service reliability, add redundancy to JCP&L's system and meet the growing demand for electricity in the region.

JCP&L expects to file a petition for the project with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities in the first quarter of 2014.  PJM Interconnection (PJM), the regional transmission organization that coordinates the movement of electricity and oversees transmission system reliability in all or part of 13 states and the District of Columbia, has determined that the project should be built and has requested that the project be in service by June 2017.  PJM's assessment is based on existing and projected system conditions and the potential for future demand on the system.

The project is part of JCP&L's Local Infrastructure and Transmission Enhancement (LITE) Program, a $200 million, multi-year transmission system initiative that will improve service reliability for JCP&L customers in northern and central New Jersey.  In the past decade, the demand for electricity in New Jersey has grown about three times faster than the population as homeowners use electricity to power everything from big-screen televisions to computer devices to the latest kitchen appliances.

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